
HanYi Chen


Zhejiang University

  • Bachelor of Computer Science, Zhejiang University
  • Cumulative GPA: 3.67/4.00
  • Major GPA: 3.73/4.00
  • Hangzhou, Sep.2016 - July.2020


OD Morphing: balancing simplicity with faithfulness for OD bundling.

  • Vancouver, Oct.2019
  • IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS) 2019

A visualization technique, OD Morphing, that enhances OD bundling to be more geographically faithful with actual paths, and provides user interaction for balancing simplicity for OD patterns with faith-fulness for real paths.


The 42nd ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (Asia Regional)

  • Silver Medal Award
  • Xian, Oct.2017


Software Engineer, Microsoft

Microsoft Maps and Geospatial

Taipei, Feb.2021 - Now

  • 40 ms latency of BingGC service are decreased by migrating BingGC components from monoliths to microservices.
  • Reduced the demand for data labeling of queries from 40% to less than 1%, by implementing auto labeling algorithm.
  • Contribute to BingGC global expansion, including Spanish, Arabic, Chineses language markets.
  • Help interns to achieve great performance.

Software Engineer Intern, Microsoft

Microsoft Maps and Geospatial

Taipei, Jul.2019 - Sept.2020

  • Implemented the traffic visualizer of Bing Maps service, and traffic logger of the backend pipeline.
  • Improved the performance of an internal scraping tool, which can be up to 3 times faster than before.
  • Fine-tuned the machine learning model of geocoder to increase the metrics of answer relevance by 0.5%.
  • Developed the prototype of an emergency alert Android app using Bing Maps SDK, and also designed UI/UX of it.

Software Engineer Intern, ByteDance

Lark Suite

Hangzhou, Mar.2019 - Jun.2019

  • Developed an analysis tool for Lark Suite, which can display the online service usage of 50,000 users.
  • Designed an algorithm to render front-end flowcharts 10 times faster than before.
  • Implemented a genetic algorithm to arrange a shift work schedule with complicated rules, which can manage up to 300 people in 20 seconds.


  • C, C++, C# & .NET, Java, Go, Python, PHP, JavaScript, OpenGL